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long hair men


by: Robert at Mr. Pompadour

A Personal Experience (& “Decision” Guide) Going from LONG to SHORT Hair from Our Creative Director

Anybody that’s ever grown out their hair understands that it takes a bit of mental stamina and patience to do so. First, you need a relatively good set of hair to start with, then you’re willing to dedicate months (years in my case) to grow it out, and ultimately you’ll suffer through the various awkward phases that come your way –

All for the prospective glory of letting the flow rage (yes, that’s a thing).

Then one day you’re ready to chop it all off and shave your head faster than Britney Spears having a meltdown.

What gives?

You survived this long journey to luscious locks (and let’s be honest, you’re the envy of every man, woman and child who sets eyes on you) – and now you’re start asking yourself “should I cut my long hair?”.

If you haven’t hit this stage yet, trust me, it’s coming.

How do I know? Well, once upon a time my hair was down past my shoulders.